A nemrégiben megjelent nagyszerű módozatot követően a rajongók rögtön elözönlötték a játék fórumát, hogy panaszaiknak hangot adjanak. Ezek a hibabejelentések hasznosnak bizonyultak, mert a készítők máris előrukkoltak az első patchel, mely a zavaróbb hibákat hivatott orvosolni, nomeg jóval lag-mentesebb játékélmény.
Részletes lista:
- Server overhead has now been reduced so your servers will run much smoother
- CTD bugs: We have eliminated several major ones but there may still be more. Any feedback is welcome if your server crashes
- Memory Leak has been fixed
- Some scopes have been improved for visibility
- All maps have been optimized more for better performance
- Mos Espa minimap is now accurate and includes a pushmap indicator to show players which flags can be taken and in what order.
- Various visual details have been improved as well as other minor fixes
- Various wallhacks addressed for all Endor rocks as well as some Mos Espa buildings
- Escape from Hoth Beacon radius doubled
- Mos Espa Assault landspeeder fixed for some errors as well as increased armor and improved camera visibility while gunner is operating the gun
- Rebel trooper uav droid recoded to be like the imperial version
- EMP is more effective now
- Anti Spawn Camp under ISD hanger