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Neverwinter Nights 2
Neverwinter Nights 2 1.07 BETA Patch (US)

Méret 43 MB

Verziószám 1.06 to 1.07 (US)

Feltöltés dátuma 2007.09.07

Letöltések száma 409

Kapcsolódó weboldal Link


Character Mode and Strategy Mode In advance of the release of the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack this September, weve included one of the major new revisions weve made to the camera and control modes. Now, the four camera modes (Top Down, Chase, Driving and Free Camera) have been consolidated into two modes that are more configurable and clearer to use than the old modes Character Mode and Strategy Mode.

These modes affect both the function of the camera and the controls for each mode, and are designed to be most efficient for the two primary styles of play controlling a single character, and controlling a full party. Note that while the information given here refers to the default function of each mode, these modes are highly configurable. Please check out all of the options in the newly updated Options Menu. You can toggle which mode you are in by pressing the * key by default.

  • Character Mode: In Character Mode, the camera follows behind and over the shoulder of the currently controlled character. This mode is useful for getting a good look at your surroundings and exploring an area while focused on controlling an individual character. While in Character Mode, by default, holding the Left Mouse Button down and moving the mouse to the left or right will turn the character. You can also turn by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen. Holding down the Middle Mouse Button or pressing the Arrow keys will allow you to rotate the camera around the currently controlled character.
  • Strategy Mode: Strategy Mode is a top down Play Mode that is intended to make controlling a full party easier. This mode is most useful for controlling combat situations involving a full party of characters against a large number of enemies. In Strategy Mode, by default, you can click and drag to select multiple party members. You can rotate the camera either by holding the Middle Mouse Button and moving the mouse, by moving the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen, or by pressing the Arrow Keys.

New Options Menu Patch 1.07 also introduces a new options menu that gives you access to consolidated and clear options for each camera mode, and better organization of the already existing options.

Marquee/Multi-Selection Revamp Marquee and Multi-selection have been dramatically improved to make controlling a full party much easier. You can see the new improvements to Marquee and Multi-selection in the new Strategy Mode.

UI Improvements

  • Party AI On/Off Button There is now a button on the main game UI, next to the rest button, that will toggle the entire partys AI on or off.
  • Player Chat List A list of all players on the server is now available on the Player Menu (the NWN2 Eye button in the lower left corner of the screen). You can select any player from this list to send them a tell.
  • "Handles" have been added to the chat windows to allow them to be moved more easily.
  • A logcommands console command has been added that allows you to dump all of the console commands to a text file.
  • Console commands are no longer case sensitive.

Gameplay Improvements

  • Darkvision and Low-light Vision are now modes that can be toggled on or off using the Mode Bar. They also have new visual effects to accompany this change.

Bronze Dragon - New Creature!

  • The Bronze Dragon creature has been added to the Toolset, so expect him to show up in new community content as well as Mask of the Betrayer.

Stealth Improvements

  • Some improvements have been made to stealth to make it more effective in a Multiplayer environment. Among these, characters who are hidden will no longer show up when detected by any party member, and hidden characters should be hidden properly regardless of faction.


  • A "Find a Resource" Plugin has been added to the toolset.
  • A Creature Appearance Wizard has been added. This will allow you to change the appearance of spawned creatures and creature blueprints, including race, gender, armor and armor attachments. This feature can be accessed by right clicking on a creature or blueprint entry. NOTE: This feature is currently in Beta, and there are plans to improve its functionality. 
  • A Texture Swapper has been added that allows builders to swap the textures in a tileset. This feature can be accessed from a tiles properties pane, visible by right clicking on a tile. 
  • A new custom skydome system has been added to the toolset, allowing users to replace the NWN2 skies with skydomes of their own creating. 
  • Areas now have additional settings under their Day/Night Stage Properties that allow builders to de-saturate an area that is, remove a percentage of the color from an area, all the way to black and white.

DM Client

  • A UI feature has been added to allow DMs to adjust player/creature alignments using a slider bar.
  • Comments from the toolset (comments within the {} brackets) will now show up in the Creator.
  • The distance a DM can zoom out has been greatly increased.
  • A filter feature has been added to the DM Client player list. This will allow DMs to select specific players and filter their list down to only show those selected players.

Bug Fixes in Premonition



  • The PC model during level up should be scaled to match the scaling in game
  • Module Debug text should now display properly.
  • The Dwarven Defender Defensive Stance ability now functions properly.
  • The game will no longer crash if a player presses the + key on the number pad in a multiplayer game.
  • Fixed an issue that was resulting in corrupted save games.
  • Typing // will now make it so that the rest of the string is not treated as a command input, allowing the character to speak the rest of the string without any changes.
  • Character AI should now respond to all attacks, not just attacks that result in damage.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to increase their CON.
  • Neutral players should now be able to select Akadi as a deity.
  • The Improved Defense feats should now replace each other.
  • Mouse camera panning and tilting are now options in the game.


  • The 2DA editor in toolset should now handle rows where the row # is 4 digits.
  • When viewing a 2DA in the toolset, sorting by any column other than the # will no longer renumber all the entries when saving.
  • Changing a placeable's OpenState property will no longer yield an Unknown.
  • Swapping textures in the toolset should no longer result in solid black textures.
  • Opening the toolset after having set the TreeLeaves option to false in the View -> Options -> Graphics menu should result in leaves not being rendered.
  • Builders can now select male or female model previews on the Armor Tab in the creature properties window.
  • Manually entering a value in the Pressure's text field should now affect brushes.
  • When you run the toolset a prefabs folder should be created, which becomes the default location for saving Prefab objects. Exported Prefabs will not get added to the blueprint list until the Toolset is restarted.
  • Ctrl-Z will no longer set height-lock in the toolset. The Z key is used now.
  • Turning the On? property of a light OFF and ON will toggle the light source OFF and ON.
  • Pasting encounter triggers with spawn points no longer crashes the Toolset.
  • All the effects associated with an air elemental are played in the proper place.
  • The name of the last conversation will no longer be missing from the conversation dropdown in the properties list.
  • Adding a new entry in the journal, when another entry is currently selected, will add the new entry to the parent category of the selected entry.
  • Red conversation nodes now show "[END DIALOG]" if they have no response nodes under them.
  • The DELETE key will now work properly when manually entering color values
  • Glow maps stay on the creatures for which they are intended.
  • Map hotspots will now appear in the same position in-game as they do in the World Map Editor.

DM Client

  • On the DM's Context menu, if you are controlling the DM avatar the non-DM heal skill will not show up. If you possess another creature, the non-DM heal skill will show up.
  • DM commands listed in the Keymapping tab will now function properly.
  • Dead players will no longer disappear from the chooser.
  • Possessing/Unpossessing Creatures will no longer play the creature's possession sound.
  • Players will no longer see the floating text from DMs unless the DM is visible.
  • Changing the resolution in the DM client should no longer cause the text to disappear from the chooser and creator.
  • DMs can change the faction of a creature using the dm_setfaction command.
  • Players will no longer hear the footsteps of hidden DMs.
  • The disable AI button in the chooser will now work properly.
  • DebugMode will no longer need to be active for a DM to use console commands.
  • The last entries in the Chooser or Creator lists will no longer be blank.
  • The chooser will now focus on the current area when opened.
  • DMs can now select dead PCs from within the chooser.
  • The Chooser and Creator will no longer require double-clicks on the buttons.
  • The + key on the number pad will now jump the DM to the location of the mouse pointer.
  • The toggle trap/trigger display button will now work properly.
  • DMs will now be able to join a server that is full, even if that puts the player count over the limit. DMs will still count against the overall player count.
  • When a DM saves his avatar, the custom shortcuts in the quickbar should no longer become unuseable at next login.
  • Player portraits in the player list will no longer be blank if a player is in a different area.
  • Player portraits in the player list will now have the correct portraits and names.


  • EffectDeath() now has a new parameter that will make it so that any visual effects on the creature aren't purged (With the exception of mobility imparing effects, like stun, paralysis, etc).
  • The "GetGroupNumKiled" script within ginc_group has been renamed to "GetGroupNumKilled".


  • Melf's Acid Arrow will no longer be stopped by spell resistance.
  • The combat log will now report Disintegrate as a ranged touch attack when cast.
  • Disintegrate will now gain bonus damage when Empowered.
  • The targeting circle for Horrid Wilting has been changed to 30 feet.
  • Fixed a spelling error for the Glyph of Warding spell description.

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