Rengeteg kisebb-nagyobb javítás történt a játékban. Alant az első "adag", angolul, a teljes lista megtalálható ezen a weboldalon.
- Ship combat odds no longer affected by crossing a river
- Game no longer crashes when you load a save with the diplomacy screen open
- Fixed bug where ships could sometimes attack ground units
- When the user is the last human player in a multiplayer game, the retire option now works properly
- Forts act as cities only if they within friendly (ally or vassal) to the defender borders
- GameCore DLL no longer loaded from CustomAssets folder. Mods can still have their own DLL
- Fixed pop-rush rounding bug
- Fixed absenece of production popup for conquered city under certain circumstances
- Fixed multiple missions exploit from the same Great Person
- GNP graph shows total commerce generated, not only raw commerce
- Just one Cathedral required for OCC
- Barbarian Spearmen and Galleys appear as intended
- Fixed crop yield history reset on load
- Fixed removed spy teleportation mission :-)
- Fixed hotseat tech chooser bug
- Game no longer hangs when you retire from a one-player hotseat game
- Widescreen Laptop video resolution 1280x720 is supported