Nextgen Prince of Persia
Ahriman the dark God:
- "I am the Darkness. I am your end!"
Párbeszéd a Serious Sam 2-ből:
Chan herceg: Ebből elég! Letépem a fejed, aztán feldugom a... Serious Sam: Figyi, csak add ide a medált, és senkinek nem esik bántódása. Chan herceg: Csak a holttestemen át! Serious Sam: Höhö, reméltem, hogy ezt fogod mondani...
"Promise not to bleed on my suit and I'll kill you quickly." - Kém, Team Fortress 2
"There's no match for the dark side!" - Darth Maul, SW Battlefront 2
"Viszket a tököm." - a Witcherből az egyik bandita
,,Hány telekinetikus, leszbikus orvlövész kell egy úttorlasz eltakarításához...?" -Jericho
"A man chooses, a slave obeys."-Bio Shock
"I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings."-Max Payne
"Maybe you'll find someone else to help you?Maybe Black Mesa?That was a joke! HA HA!! FAT CHANCE!!"-Portal
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No-one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until... well, let's just say your hour has come again. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes."-HL2
"Dmitri, we cheat death once again my friend"-CoD5
Crysis Warhead gyöngyszemek:
,,Pattogjatok mint kecskeszar a deszkán!"
,,Hé pilótakeksz hol lőtted a jogsidat?"
,,Hány telekinetikus, leszbikus orvlövész kell egy úttorlasz eltakarításához...?" -Jericho
"A man chooses, a slave obeys."-Bio Shock
"I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings."-Max Payne
"Maybe you'll find someone else to help you?Maybe Black Mesa?That was a joke! HA HA!! FAT CHANCE!!"-Portal
"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine. Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No-one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until... well, let's just say your hour has come again. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes."-HL2
"Dmitri, we cheat death once again my friend"-CoD5
Deadpool: The day my father Odin banished me from Asgard, I was bitten by a vampire and had radioactive waste dumped into my eyes. To make matters worse, my mutant ability to control weather activated just as I was hit by a blast of gamma radiation. Nah, actually, I got this way by volunteering for the Weapon X program. They promised to cure my cancer. And they cured it all right, by giving me an outrageous healing factor. Then they labeled me psychotic and tossed me into a prison lab. So I escaped and became what some people might call a 'mercenary'. I prefer the title 'cleaner of the gene pool'. And I've made a lot of good friends along the way: like Arcade. He's always sending me to his amusement park. Arcade: HELLO, Deadpool. Ready for a fun filled day in Murderworld? Deadpool: Yup. I've got my sunscreen on and I've taken my motion sickness pills so bring on the rides! Arcade: Oh, I don't think you understand. You're going to die here. Deadpool: I know! Carnivals always slay me. Arcade: No. You are going to physically die... as in stop breathing. You will cease to exist. Deadpool: Riiiiiight... So do you have bumper cars here? Arcade:Arrrgh!
Niko: "Nobody f*cks with my family"... ezt írtam. nah ebből jött egy nagyon poén gta multi-ban.
multis karakterem: "Nobody f*cks with my bike" egy motoron. hát én szakadtam a röhögéstől
A GTA4ben azthiszem playboy x mondja,hogy :
" Money talks.if he says jump,you can't say how high!"
Niko: "Nobody f*cks with my family"... ezt írtam. nah ebből jött egy nagyon poén gta multi-ban.
multis karakterem: "Nobody f*cks with my bike" egy motoron. hát én szakadtam a röhögéstől
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