Prince:-"So! This is the thanks, when I can save your life?"
Farah:-"You don't understand. I need the dagger to undo..."
Prince:-"Undo what I have done. Why did you think I'm a fool?"
... tovább nem tudom XD. Egyébként Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time - 17% Death of a Snand King utáni kisvideóban (istenem! Ennyire kocka nem lehetek!!!... De... Mégis...)
"Waaaaaaaaaaghh!"Warhammer 40K-orkok
"A siker megünnepeltetik,a kudarcra csupán emlékezünk"Warhammer 40K
"A könyörtelen a bölcs egy formája"Warhammer 40K
Savior, Conquer, Hero, Villian.
You are all things Revan,
and yet you are nothing.
In the End you belong
to neither the light
nor the darkness.
You will forever stand alone.
"Madness! What magic is this?" - PoP: WW, mikor a Herceg először látja meg a portálokat.
"If you can change your fate, I can change mine!" - Kaileena.
"You bitch!" - A Herceg, mikor megvágja Shadee a szemét.
"I was so selfish..." - PoP: TT, A Herceg
"Heh... A Warrior?!" - Dark Prince
"I think this hero business has gone a little to far... You have already saved the citizens!" - Dark Prince
"Maybe immortal, but not interruptable!" - Prince, a Vezírnek.
"Makin, pigin" - Duke Nukem, DN: MP
"..." - Gordon Freeman
"The Rogues are safe... for the moment" - Barbár, Diablo II, a Den of Evil kitisztítása után.
"It is good to see, that the sun shines again." - Barbár, Diablo II, Viperabarlang kitisztítása után.
"They are not soldiers, just frightened rabbits running from our soldiers" - Rome: TW
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