Az Assassin’s Creed 5-ről egyelőre még nem sokat tudni, azon kívül, hogy lesz, hiszen minden évben kapunk az orvgyilkosok krédójából egy adagot (idén lehet, hogy kettőt is). Illetve egy korábbi Jean-Sebastien Decant interjúból azt is tudjuk, hogy az új számozott epizód olyan lesz, mint a Watch Dogs, no meg pletykálták, hogy esetleg Egyiptomba kalauzolnak el minket a történetben. Ennyi, nem több -- most azonban az Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag kreatív igazgatója, Jean Guesdon sugallt egy nem éppen jelentéktelen apróságot.
„A feudális Japán továbbra is -- ahogy számos korszak és helyszín -- lehetséges helyszíne a franchise jövőbeli darabjainak. Az Animusnak hála az emberiség egész történelme a játszóterünk” -- mondta Guesdon a VG247-nek adott interjújában. Ez tehát nem jelenti azt, hogy biztos ott fog játszódni az Assassin’s Creed 5, lehet, hogy a hat helyszínét adja majd, vagy egy számozatlan epizódban kap szerepet. De az biztos, hogy a korábbi részekben is utaltak már Japánra, a fórumokon a legtöbb rajongó ezt a helyszínt szeretné látni, és valóban klassz helyszíne lenne az Assassinok és a Templomosok végelláthatatlan küzdelmének a nindzsák és szamurájok világa.
a legérdekesebb talán egy ókori nép meglátogatása lenne, de az Ubi rohamtempóját figyelembe véve nem fognak erre lépni, hisz rengeteg nüanszot át kellene variálni akármelyik 1X. századi képi világhoz mérve.
I've been the Sample 17 project director for just over a year now, and my team and I have been able to cobble together a rough list of the most interesting time periods available to us through this single genetic sample. Remember this is data that has already been FULLY or PARTIALLY sequenced by Abstergo Industries. I'll try to be brief...
Patrilineal Line:
Fifteenth Century - Italian Renaissance
Sixteenth Century - Ottoman Empire
Eighteenth Century - American Colonies / War for Independence
Nineteenth Century - New England and American Midwest
Matrilineal Line:
Twelfth Century - Holy Land / Crusades
Thirteenth Century - Egypt and Northern Africa
Fourtheenth Century - Ashikaga Shogunate in Japan
Eighteenth Century - French Revolution
Nineteenth Century - Napoleonic wars; Taiwan
Twentieth Century - "Summer of Love" American Pacific Coast
Obviously this is just a sample sample of the potential options. The number of ancestors any one person has is well above thirty-thousand after just fifteen generations... so there could be many more surprises waiting for us within Sample 17.
However, despite Sample 17s rich heritage, we should not limit ourselves to this alone if we have concrete leads elsewhere. For instance, quite a few men from all sides of my family fought in both World Wars, and I even have a great-great-grandfather who fought in the American Civil War. Managed to meet President Lincoln a few times too. Going this route is a little more costly and time consuming, since the data has not already been sequenced. But it could be rewarding in the long-run.
In short, if anyone has any confirmed connections to interesting historical events, periods, or cities - or knows of people who do- please share! I will also be reviewing the past 3 decades of samples collected and sequenced by Abstergo industries. I recently learned that one of their Samples - number 2, I believe - participated in the trial of Jeanne D'Arc. So there's a nice lead right here.
Ah, but don't expect a Joan of Arc game from Ubisoft. At least, not any time soon. Also, here's a clever in-fiction way of explaining why the series will avoid modern periods:
Tehát a tizennegyedik században - Ashikaga sógunátus idején játszódna ez.
Ami amúgy jól hangzik ha a század megfelelő oldaláról van szó (cowboyok és indiánok!), de ha abból indulok ki, hogy mennyire nevetségesen valósították meg a modern lőfegyveres harcot az AC3-ban, akkor biztosabb talaj lenne egy régebbi éra.
I've been the Sample 17 project director for just over a year now, and my team and I have been able to cobble together a rough list of the most interesting time periods available to us through this single genetic sample. Remember this is data that has already been FULLY or PARTIALLY sequenced by Abstergo Industries. I'll try to be brief...
Patrilineal Line:
Fifteenth Century - Italian Renaissance
Sixteenth Century - Ottoman Empire
Eighteenth Century - American Colonies / War for Independence
Nineteenth Century - New England and American Midwest
Matrilineal Line:
Twelfth Century - Holy Land / Crusades
Thirteenth Century - Egypt and Northern Africa
Fourtheenth Century - Ashikaga Shogunate in Japan
Eighteenth Century - French Revolution
Nineteenth Century - Napoleonic wars; Taiwan
Twentieth Century - "Summer of Love" American Pacific Coast
Obviously this is just a sample sample of the potential options. The number of ancestors any one person has is well above thirty-thousand after just fifteen generations... so there could be many more surprises waiting for us within Sample 17.
However, despite Sample 17s rich heritage, we should not limit ourselves to this alone if we have concrete leads elsewhere. For instance, quite a few men from all sides of my family fought in both World Wars, and I even have a great-great-grandfather who fought in the American Civil War. Managed to meet President Lincoln a few times too. Going this route is a little more costly and time consuming, since the data has not already been sequenced. But it could be rewarding in the long-run.
In short, if anyone has any confirmed connections to interesting historical events, periods, or cities - or knows of people who do- please share! I will also be reviewing the past 3 decades of samples collected and sequenced by Abstergo industries. I recently learned that one of their Samples - number 2, I believe - participated in the trial of Jeanne D'Arc. So there's a nice lead right here.
Ah, but don't expect a Joan of Arc game from Ubisoft. At least, not any time soon. Also, here's a clever in-fiction way of explaining why the series will avoid modern periods:
Tehát a tizennegyedik században - Ashikaga sógunátus idején játszódna ez.
a legérdekesebb talán egy ókori nép meglátogatása lenne, de az Ubi rohamtempóját figyelembe véve nem fognak erre lépni, hisz rengeteg nüanszot át kellene variálni akármelyik 1X. századi képi világhoz mérve.
I've been the Sample 17 project director for just over a year now, and my team and I have been able to cobble together a rough list of the most interesting time periods available to us through this single genetic sample. Remember this is data that has already been FULLY or PARTIALLY sequenced by Abstergo Industries. I'll try to be brief...
Patrilineal Line:
Fifteenth Century - Italian Renaissance
Sixteenth Century - Ottoman Empire
Eighteenth Century - American Colonies / War for Independence
Nineteenth Century - New England and American Midwest
Matrilineal Line:
Twelfth Century - Holy Land / Crusades
Thirteenth Century - Egypt and Northern Africa
Fourtheenth Century - Ashikaga Shogunate in Japan
Eighteenth Century - French Revolution
Nineteenth Century - Napoleonic wars; Taiwan
Twentieth Century - "Summer of Love" American Pacific Coast
Obviously this is just a sample sample of the potential options. The number of ancestors any one person has is well above thirty-thousand after just fifteen generations... so there could be many more surprises waiting for us within Sample 17.
However, despite Sample 17s rich heritage, we should not limit ourselves to this alone if we have concrete leads elsewhere. For instance, quite a few men from all sides of my family fought in both World Wars, and I even have a great-great-grandfather who fought in the American Civil War. Managed to meet President Lincoln a few times too. Going this route is a little more costly and time consuming, since the data has not already been sequenced. But it could be rewarding in the long-run.
In short, if anyone has any confirmed connections to interesting historical events, periods, or cities - or knows of people who do- please share! I will also be reviewing the past 3 decades of samples collected and sequenced by Abstergo industries. I recently learned that one of their Samples - number 2, I believe - participated in the trial of Jeanne D'Arc. So there's a nice lead right here.
Ah, but don't expect a Joan of Arc game from Ubisoft. At least, not any time soon. Also, here's a clever in-fiction way of explaining why the series will avoid modern periods:
Tehát a tizennegyedik században - Ashikaga sógunátus idején játszódna ez.
Szeretem az ázsiai kultúrát, de leginkább Japánt szeretem! Szóval nekem jöhet:)